Our Services

Patient Assessment
At Infinity Orthotic Centre we place a high value on conducting a thorough patient assessment and take the time to fully understand the nature of the presenting symptoms and the patient’s lifestyle including work environment (time spent on feet), recreational activity level and commonly worn footwear styles.

Following a thorough biomechanical assessment the Pedorthist will take a three -dimensional (3D) foot cast in order to manufacture custom orthotics. This is the first step and most important part to create a functional full contact, truly custom made orthotic. The practitioner will take special care…

Manufacturing (ON-SITE LAB)
At Infinity Orthotic Centre we have a state-of-the-art onsite lab where all our custom orthotics are manufactured within the clinic. We intentionally built a lab with windows looking in from clinic so anyone to visits can watch our team manufacture in action. We believe this is our difference.